Do you want your children to learn how to do math?


Act now to reject this framework!

The Revised 2023 California Math Curriculum Framework will FAIL our kids

Please note the website is in need of some updates, however, the information to submit public comments just below is fully up to date!


We need your help TODAY to Save Math in California schools!

As you probably already know, California is proposing massive changes to math instruction that will harm our most vulnerable students as well as our most advanced students. 

The State Board of Education (SBE) has shared a third version of the California Math Framework. 

The first two versions had so much public backlash, they had to have a team make edits. 

However, this “third” version has not changed in its intention and the harm it will cause by not focusing on helping students master math content standards. 

We NEED to stand up for math education and ensure California students (and likely other states to follow, if passed) have a math class that focuses on MATH and that has pathways to support all learners.

The SBE only gave the public 11 days to review the 17 chapters (over 1000 pages of text) and submit comments in response to the proposed changes.

This is where you come in!

We, the public, need to submit comments to the SBE by noon tomorrow, July 7th.

We understand you may not have time to read the third version of the proposed math framework, so we have prepared public comment statements you can copy, paste and upload. 

Each public comment is filled with citations and explanations of the harm caused by specific policies.

How to EASILY submit public comments:

  1. Go to the SBE site to SUBMIT your comment here:

SBE Comments Form

  1. For “Agenda Item,”  Choose:    

    “11- Adoption of the 2023 Math Framework for California Public Schools”

  2. Be sure to “Oppose” on the “Position on the Matter.”

  3. Under comments, PASTE the TITLE of the public comment you want to submit from the list of 6 options below or write your own.

  4. ATTACH the PDF Version of the entire letter (or the SBE will not see any citations or reasoning).  Below are both documents and PDF’s- for the attached file it MUST be the PDF.

  5. If you wish to submit more than 1 of the 6 below, then begin the process a second time (or up to 6 times if you agree with all 6).

Comments to pick from:

Math Content Standards are being replaced by "big ideas" not written by mathematicians

Link to PDF

Lack of clear plans to allow students to accelerate before grade 11 will harm STEM Majors

Link to PDF

The CMF is repeating the failed "removal of Phonics" Experiment but now with math

Link to PDF

The CMF's Vision of teaching math will harm our black and brown students

Link to PDF

The CMF is more concerned with students feeling “positive” about math than they are about students learning math

Link to PDF

A Focus on Social Justice is replacing a focus on mastering math 

Link to PDF

UPDATED JULY 2022 (updates to this section pending)

The revised 2022 California Math Framework still poses a threat to our children's education.

Act now, while you can! The public comment period runs to July 7th at Noon PDT.

  • 1. It’s Not About Math

    The SFR draft framework devotes less than 6% of its text to math content standards. As a result, math classes will no longer have math content standards as their primary focus.

    The framework abandons the content standards it was tasked to uphold.

Item 1 of 6